Have knowledge and understanding of:
? The school’s aims, priorities, and action plans
? The relationship of the subject area(s) to the whole school curriculum
? The characteristics of high quality teaching and the main strategies for improving and sustaining high standards of teaching, learning and achievement for all students
? Management structure and procedures
? The implications of special educational needs, gifted and talented needs, EAL, differentiation, enquiry methodology and ICT for teaching and learning
Planning and setting expectations:
? Set expectations for staff and students in relation to standards of student achievement and the quality of teaching.
? Work with all Department staff to ensure teaching is set to match with students’ needs.
? Establish, with the involvement of the relevant staff, short, medium and long term plans for the development and resourcing of the Subject Team.
? Identify realistic and challenging targets for improvement.
? Clarity regarding actions to be taken, timescales and criteria for success.
Teaching and managing pupil learning:
? Curriculum coverage, continuity and progression in all areas for all students, including those of high ability and those with special educational or linguistic needs
? Guidance is provided on the choice of appropriate teaching and learning methods to meet the needs of the subject and of different students
Assessment and evaluation:
? Analyse and use data to identify program weaknesses, for the purpose of strengthening these weaknesses.
? Establish and implement clear practices for assessing, recording and reporting on students achievement, and for using this information to recognise achievement and to assist students in setting targets for further improvement
? Ensure that information about students’ achievements in previous classes and schools is used effectively to secure good progress in the subject area(s).
? Evaluate the teaching across the subject(s), using this analysis to identify effective practice and areas for improvement and take action to improve the quality of teaching.
? Working with the Secondary Deputy Principal and Principals, be responsible for standardisation of assessment, grading, and moderation of such within subject teams.