岗位职责 Job Description:
1.热爱教师工作, 热爱学习,热爱生活; Dedicated. Live long learning. Passionate.
2.拥有国际视野及开放的心态; With global vision and an open heart and mind
3.在其授课领域内拥有本科学历; Expertise, skills and knowledge in subject matter;
4.有教育部门颁发的教师资格证及其他相关证明材料;Proof of teaching certification by the education department;
5.至少三年以上全职教学经历;Minimum of 3 years full-time teaching experience
6.能够开设高质量的课外课程、组织丰富的社团活动;Lead and organize after-school courses and activities;
7.以学生的学习为中心进行教学;Student centered/focused learning pedagogy
8.足智多谋和有创造性的教学设计;Resourceful and creative in curriculum design;
9.具有团队合作精神和意识;Demonstration of collaboration and teamwork;
10.能用双语教学(中文课程除外);Bilingual teaching (Except Chinese language course)
11.每周教授25节课; (40-45分钟每节)Teach 25 periods per week (40-45minutes per period);
具备以下条件优先考虑 The following is preferred:
1.国际教育经验 International school teaching experience;
2.中英双语沉浸式的教学经验;The Chinese/English bilingual immersion teaching experience;
3.能够在教学领域内引领或促进课程的发展;Able to lead and promote the curriculum development in the area of specialty
4.具备跨学科教学的能力;Ability to lead an interdisciplinary classroom.
5.积极参加学校组织的专业提升培训及活动;Active participation in elevating the professional standards in education;
6.愿意承担宿舍管理工作;Willingness to take-on responsibility and management of on-campus dormitory student life
7.有较好的英语沟通能力 Good English communication skills.