? oversee all aspects of laboratory practical lessons to create a teaching environment which conforms to Western and Chinese laboratory safety rules;
? set up experimental equipment according to lesson plans provided by the science department teachers;
? work with science teachers to establish how they can support their lessons;
? helping students to understand the correct usage of scientific equipment with respect to health and safety and personal protective equipment (PPE);
? to identify and research resources and equipment required for teaching;
? setup, organize, maintain, and troubleshoot lab equipment; order needed equipment, materials and consumables; organize and ensure all records and accounting for the lab is correct;
? Ensure proper lab protocols and standard operation procedures (SOPs) are established and enforced, such as biosafety and biosecurity for P2 labs and proper use of chemicals and equipment;
? Conduct or assist in conducting experiments in the laboratory, including preparation of reagents, interpretation of data and analysis of results;
? Test and maintain safety equipment on a regular basis, oversee the maintenance of Materials Safety Data Sheets’ (MSDS) record and SOPs. Ensures that all safety procedures are consistently met;
? Ensure safe and appropriate storage of reagents and chemicals according to MSDS and COOSH guidelines;
? To discuss matters to policy and procedures and to attend regular meetings;
? Participate in and lead CPD activities;
? Contribute to and attend whole school community events throughout the year;
? To ensure the secondary school remains tidy and presentable;
? To complete any other reasonable duty as requested by the Principal.